Refund Policy

For Refund, please follow these steps

  • First, your payment screenshoot is required
  • 2nd, your full name, you filled an email address
  • 3rd, your payment received method easypaisa jazzcash google pay paypal USDT etc.
  • 4th plese conform your payment address carefully if payment method worng we are not responsible
  • Payment refund within 72 hours due to verify your documents

Refund Reject policy

  • 1st, your device should not be rooted
  • 2nd wrong anydesk id or imei number, wrong mobile model select or whatsapp number
  • 3rd when our staff contact with you on whatsapp if you are not responding within 2 hour payment not refund
  • If you Don’t read the Terms & conditions You will not be refunded
